welcome to LC Images Photography blog. This is where I'll be posting my latest projects and goings-on. Have a look around and please subscribe and follow! Feel free to leave lots of positive comments...It's the only way I know you care ;) Thanks for stopping by.

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PS: you can visit my full website, LC Images Online, with full booking information by clicking HERE

Thursday, July 8, 2010

National Cathderal, Washington D.C. (PART I)

One of the personal professional photographer highlights for me was kickin' around the National Cathedral for a couple of hours. There are SO many colors, SO much architecture, SO much art...you kind of go into overload trying to photo-journal it all...but I tried my best. Here's the first group of the best shots I got that fine Friday morning. Much thanks to my friend Aimee's Dad Rich Neubauer who made this happen by acting as our personal chauffeur for the morning. It cut down on a LOT of the hassle normally associated with this (and other) site(s). It gave much more time for photography! Enjoy! Many more to come...

(above)That's all natural light spilling in through the stained glass on the arched ceilings of the cathedral making those beautiful colors

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