welcome to LC Images Photography blog. This is where I'll be posting my latest projects and goings-on. Have a look around and please subscribe and follow! Feel free to leave lots of positive comments...It's the only way I know you care ;) Thanks for stopping by.

~Click on any pic to see a beautiful full screen version~


PS: you can visit my full website, LC Images Online, with full booking information by clicking HERE

Monday, August 9, 2010

Arlington National Cemetery

On Thursday morning of our trip to D.C. it was our privilege to walk the truly hallowed grounds of Arlington National Cemetery.  The changing of the guard ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier was stirring to say the least.  what follows are a few of the highlights.  Full album can be seen on the FB page by clicking HERE.  Framed Fine Art Prints of all these magnificent moments available at LC Images Photography's main website

Monday, July 12, 2010

NEW!-National Cathderal, Washington D.C. (PART II)

Here's several more pics from my morning of wandering around the breathtaking National Cathedral in Washington D.C. a couple of weeks ago. You can see part one by clicking here: National Cathedral, Part I

Enjoy and let me know what you think!

Anderson in the park...

It's my personal belief that Professional Photographers of America (PPA) should adopt a badge system something along the lines of what Boys Scouts of America does, and that the first badge a photographer should earn is photographing a 3 year old!!!! ;) Photographing this age group is always a test of wills, patience, and downright determination!

The flip side to that coin is that if you see it through you get pictures that look likes this. 3 year olds are full of infectious energy and life that is easily captured by the lens if you just stick with it! Anderson is my one and only nephew whom I love dearly who just turned 3 in April...time for his yearly portraits! We headed out to a city park to see what we could cook up, and WOW, we came away with some killer stuff.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Ethan and Misha: Jefferson Memorial

OK, the weekend's over and back to catching up on pictures! Here are the brother-sister pics of Ethan and Misha from the shoot at the beautiful Jefferson Memorial in D.C.