welcome to LC Images Photography blog. This is where I'll be posting my latest projects and goings-on. Have a look around and please subscribe and follow! Feel free to leave lots of positive comments...It's the only way I know you care ;) Thanks for stopping by.

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PS: you can visit my full website, LC Images Online, with full booking information by clicking HERE

Monday, July 12, 2010

NEW!-National Cathderal, Washington D.C. (PART II)

Here's several more pics from my morning of wandering around the breathtaking National Cathedral in Washington D.C. a couple of weeks ago. You can see part one by clicking here: National Cathedral, Part I

Enjoy and let me know what you think!

Anderson in the park...

It's my personal belief that Professional Photographers of America (PPA) should adopt a badge system something along the lines of what Boys Scouts of America does, and that the first badge a photographer should earn is photographing a 3 year old!!!! ;) Photographing this age group is always a test of wills, patience, and downright determination!

The flip side to that coin is that if you see it through you get pictures that look likes this. 3 year olds are full of infectious energy and life that is easily captured by the lens if you just stick with it! Anderson is my one and only nephew whom I love dearly who just turned 3 in April...time for his yearly portraits! We headed out to a city park to see what we could cook up, and WOW, we came away with some killer stuff.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Ethan and Misha: Jefferson Memorial

OK, the weekend's over and back to catching up on pictures! Here are the brother-sister pics of Ethan and Misha from the shoot at the beautiful Jefferson Memorial in D.C.